CHARGE!!! So what do you get when you have an old wheat thins box, some scissors, glue, a pen and about an hour of time to kill? you get Trash Tank! Call it recycled art, Call it cute, At 4" tall you can even call it tiny, but I call it something fun to do while I wait for my files to transfer to my iDisk.
Hey Terrell!
I love this guy! The design is great- I love that you used recycled material. I like his little chubby fingers and his broken nose. I'm hoping to see more of these guys in the future.
PS. It seems the group blog is dead, I'd be able to start something else in June, if we found willing contributors...
Thanks Leeanna, yeah I know the Gum or Mints is dead, I would love to work with you on starting up a new one. I was thinking along the lines of the old Leo Monohan projects, you know one word projects. Anyway, just email or give me a call and we'll discuss it.
Wow! Terrell this is awesome! I actually though it was done digitally when I first looked at it, but to find out you actually created in for real was even more amazing. You always were a handy guy.....sure wish I was, but I just aint.
Thanks Ry, I wish I was a good photographer but I aint.
Terrel- this is great. More to come?
Terrell, This is so freaking awesome. I'm sorry i knocked it off the desk and crushed it a little... just kidding.
-your biggest fan!!!
way cool, T.
Hey Terrell,
Tank guy is cute!
Gum or Mints turned disappointing. Too many phallic references. Think the idea of serious discussion about art went out the window too. Like the idea of the one word assignments though!
Yeah Jeff, I want to do something fun too, but very Leo Monohan, I'll let you know what comes of it. Probably around late May, or June.
I call it great, like most of the things you do.
I've posted something new on GorM, just to stir things up. I've also asked Jim M. to let us know how we can re-format and invite new contributors. I'm sick of looking at that blog just wasting away.
Are you with me, T?
Love to you, Chantel & Paden.
Terrell- Please get in touch w/ me, re: Gum or Mints.
Saw the new Indianna Jones movie tonight and I thought of you, Terrell, when we went to the CalArts Halloween party and you were dressed as Indy. Arkansas Gentry. Ah, those were the days!
Ah yes Jeff I remember, I have a pic here somewhere, If I find it I'll post it.
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